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Biostar Sigma-Gate VR8603TS21 GeForce 8600GTS Videocard Review
Biostar Sigma-Gate VR8603TS21 GeForce 8600GTS Videocard Review  - PCSTATS
Biostar's Sigma-Gate and V-Ranger software allowed us to push that videocard to its max. Literally. The key to our overclocking Zen was adjustable GPU and memory voltage options.
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External Mfg. Website: Biostar Jul 17 2007   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Video Cards > Biostar Sigma-Gate VR8603TS21

Videocard Benchmarks: 3DMark05, 3DMark06

Futuremark 3DMark05 1.2.0 Source: FutureMark

3DMark05 is best suited for the latest generation of DirectX9.0 graphics cards. It is the first benchmark to require a DirectX9.0 compliant hardware with support for Pixel Shaders 2.0 or higher! By combining high quality 3D tests, CPU tests, feature tests, image quality tools, and much more, 3DMark05 is a premium benchmark for evaluating the latest generation of gaming hardware.

PCSTATS Benchmark ReportFuturemark 3DMark05 1.2.0
Overall Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 12098
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 10260
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 15251
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 14674
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 14703
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 15207
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 11640
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 11676
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 13781
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 11071
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 8630
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 5711
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 4998
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M 14398
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M (675/2060) 15231
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS 11653
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (755/2210) 12218
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (830/2425) 13475

3DMark05 results show how well the Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS videocard scales when overclocked. At stock speeds, it gets the same score as the other GeForce 8600GTS videocards in the reference list. With the Biostar card is heavily overclocked the system cracks 13000 points, great for a GeForce 8600GTS class graphics card!

FutureMark 3DMark06 1.0.2 Source: FutureMark

3DMark06 is the worldwide standard in advanced 3D game performance benchmarking. A fundamental tool for every company in the PC industry as well as PC users and gamers, 3DMark06 uses advanced real-time 3D game workloads to measure PC performance using a suite of DirectX 9 3D graphics tests, CPU tests, and 3D feature tests. 3DMark06 tests include all new HDR/SM3.0 graphics tests, SM2.0 graphics tests, AI and physics driven single and multiple cores or processor CPU tests and a collection of comprehensive feature tests to reliably measure next generation gaming performance today.

PCSTATS Benchmark ReportFuturemark 3DMark06 1.0.2
Overall: Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 6060
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 4904
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 9785
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 8799
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 8777
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 8827
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 5556
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 5518
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 8057
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 6173
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 4945
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 3268
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 2654
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M 8641
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M (675/2060) 9412
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS 5564
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (755/2210) 5912
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (830/2425) 6815
SM2.0 Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 2342
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 1949
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 4551
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 4010
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 3958
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 4157
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 2376
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 2343
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 3619
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 2579
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 1974
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 1286
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 1007
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M 3935
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M (675/2060) 4363
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS 2381
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (755/2210) 2594
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (830/2425) 2786
HDR/SM3.0 Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 2614
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 2011
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 4688
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 3976
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 4006
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 3769
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 2083
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 2085
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 3466
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 2494
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 1935
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 1163
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 1097
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M 3770
Asus EN8800GTS/HTDP/320M (675/2060) 4422
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS 2086
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (755/2210) 2251
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS (830/2425) 2512

3DMark06 results are similar to those in 3DMark05. The Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 8600GTS videocard is definitely very fast. Memory bandwidth is very important to the G84 core, so when the memory is heavily overclocked we get a nice boost in performance.

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Contents of Article: Biostar Sigma-Gate VR8603TS21
 Pg 1.  Biostar Sigma-Gate VR8603TS21 GeForce 8600GTS Videocard Review
 Pg 2.  nVidia's G84 Core, DirectX 10 and Windows Vista
 Pg 3.  Biostar Simga-Gate and V-Ranger Overclocking Software
 Pg 4.  Overclocking the Biostar Sigma-Gate, more fun than usual!
 Pg 5.  — Videocard Benchmarks: 3DMark05, 3DMark06
 Pg 6.  Videocard Benchmarks: FarCry, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
 Pg 7.  Videocard Benchmarks: Doom 3, Quake 4
 Pg 8.  Videocard Benchmarks: FEAR
 Pg 9.  Advanced Videocard Benchmarks: FarCry, Doom 3, FEAR
 Pg 10.  PCSTATS Maximum Videocard Overclocking Chart & Conclusions

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